There is something for everyone to get involved in!

Altar Guild

The Holy Cross Altar Guild performs the needed duties of caring for the altar area, assisting the pastor when needed, and preparing the worship area for church services. We make the needed arrangements for altar flowers on Sundays as well as special flowers for church festivals.  The Altar Guild meets twice a year, usually in February and November to discuss preparation for Lent, Easter, and Christmas and to share any necessary information.

WELCA - Women of the ELCA

Our WELCA group includes all of the ladies here at Holy Cross. This is a very active group that serves in multiple ways. Some women come on Monday mornings to make quilts and knit/crochet items for Lutheran World Relief, some host our after church fellowship times, and several are actively involved in our Bible studies. We also have Hope Circle, which is a Bible study group based on the Gather magazine, that meets monthly.  WELCA groups from many churches in our Synod gather occasionally too, and we're also involved at the national level. There are lots of ways to get involved here!

Wednesday Book Study

A group gathers every Wednesday morning at 9:30 am for a time of fellowship and sharing of prayer concerns. At 10:00 am we move into the reading and discussion of the Sunday Bible readings  and how the scripture relates to our own lives in Christ. This is often followed by lunch at a local restaurant. We'd love to have you join us!

Holy Cross Lutheran Men's Group

The Men's Group here at Holy Cross supports local and regional charities. We meet at 9 am on the third Saturday of the month to discuss donations to local charities and to plan fund-raising activities, including our Annual Church Garage Sale. Our meetings begin with fellowship and a hearty breakfast, followed by a business meeting and an occasional guest speaker.   

Property Committee

The Property Committee is responsible for the upkeep of the church grounds and general maintenance of the church building. There is a volunteer group that does mowing, trimming, and weeding. We also do minor repairs to the church building. In addition, this committee keeps up with any maintenance contracts and sees that the work is done seasonally or yearly. 

Food Pantry

The Holy Cross Food Pantry began in 1991. In May of 2012 we joined the Ozark Center of Hope, which helps people in need with utility bills and emergency situations. In June of 2012 we joined the Food Bank of North Central Arkansas. We are an emergency food pantry. Our clients are able to come to us every other month, and we do require proof of income and address. We collect this information on their first visit and give them a card to bring with them every time they come in.


Food Pantry Hours:  

2nd & 4th Wednesdays of Each Month ONLY

9-11am & 1-3pm


Social Ministry

We have many ways of doing social ministry here.  We recognize our veterans with the Quilts of Valor organization. We also collect monthly Love Offerings which we give to support a variety of charities, electric fans are collected for the Ozark Center of Hope, and we've helped with the Convoy of Hope. We are always looking for ways to help our community.


Our choir is a group of people that love to have fun and sing God's praises! We sing for all the major celebrations and seasons during the church year, and a few times just because we like to sing. We sing traditional and contemporary music and help the congregation learn songs as well. Sing your praise to the Lord!!!

*We are currently on hiatus but will let everyone know as soon as that changes!*