Holy Cross Lutheran Church,ELCA

48 Carnation Drive

Mountain Home, AR 72653




"All Are Welcome Here"



Welcome to Holy Cross Lutheran Church!


We are delighted that you have decided to visit our website and hope that you will visit with us in person in the very near future. Our weekly worship service is at 9:00 on Sunday mornings and we love to see new faces among us! We gather for fellowship and refreshments after worship, and it would give us great pleasure to have you join us for that as well. Holy Cross is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and, more locally, of the Arkansas-Oklahoma Synod. As ELCA Lutherans, our worship is liturgical, meaning that it follows a set pattern, and it is open to everyone! You are invited to come and see for yourself what God may have in mind for you here.



All are truly welcome!






M-F 8:30am-12:30pm

Closed All Major Holidays


Food Pantry:

2nd & 4th Wednesdays

 of Each Month  

9-11am; 1-3pm


 Phone: 870-492-6636

Email: holycrosssecretary.1@gmail





You can find our newletter in the *Events* section on this website. If you'd like to receive a copy in your inbox every month, please call the office or send an email and we'll add you to our mailing list!